Green Columbus November 3, 2010
Contact: Erin Chacey
(913) 909-9838
‘Lighten Up’ Theme Selected for Central Ohio Earth Day 2011
Columbus, Ohio – November 3, 2010 – Green Columbus, the local nonprofit responsible for coordinating and mobilizing the largest volunteer turnout for Earth Day service projects in the country, has selected “Lighten Up” as the theme for Earth Day 2011. “Lighten Up” will be the fifth observance of Earth Day organized by Green Columbus (and the 41st observance globally). Last year's event, The Update, involved nearly 4,000 volunteers and 129 worksites across Central Ohio, the largest coordinated event of its kind in the country.
Earth Day 2011: Lighten Up will continue the two-part, Columbus-style, model with volunteer opportunities over the weekend of April 16 & 17, and a celebration on Saturday, April 23. These events straddle the calendar Earth Day, which falls on April 22 every year. As in years past, volunteers will work together to create a more sustainable region by planting trees, installing rain gardens, restoring local ecosystems, and creating or reviving community food gardens. The entire event – the worksite weekend and the celebration – is designed to raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage implementation of solutions. The service projects provide tangible benefits to local communities and the celebration includes educational components as well as entertainment and cultural events to gratify a wide audience.
When asked about this year's theme, Erin Chacey, Green Columbus's new Director said that “The 'Lighten Up' was chosen for two reasons. First, to invite people to calculate their environmental footprint and encourage them to lighten their impact by taking any number of fairly simple, often cash conserving, and Earth respecting actions. Second, it reflects a new approach to discussing environmental issues, a break from the 'gloom and doom' message that has proved unsuccessful at encouraging a wider audience to engage in sustainable practices.” The theme also continues the tradition of naming central Ohio Earth Day events after Beastie Boys songs.
Area businesses, organizations and individuals wishing to realize an environmental service project, volunteer, sponsor the event, or promote their environmentally friendly business or product at the celebration are encouraged to contact the director, Erin Chacey, at
About Green Columbus
Green Columbus exists to promote sustainable living in Central Ohio and globally by 1) providing forums for environmental groups, citizens and others to interact. 2) raising awareness about environmental issues and what can be done to address them, and 3) encouraging participation in action oriented green events. More information is available at .